Announcement of "Al Daf" competition 2018

The tambourine is an ancient Arabic percussion musical instrument that consists of a frame called a hoop with a thin skin stretched on one side.

The players decorated their tambourines and took care to color them beautifully by adding traditional and decorative engravings and marks.

Get inspired by your imagination without limits to design an artwork from the letters of the alphabet that shows the beauty of the Arabic letter.

Contest conditions:
1. Competition for juniors 11 to 16 years old. Participation papers can be obtained from the Safia Bin Zaqr Foundation portal.
2. The participant is free to create an aesthetic artistic painting to decorate the tambourine.
3. The sketch is drawn in the space designated in the competition announcement papers.
4. The participant can do his painting using any of the simplified letters of the alphabet in addition to engravings and decorations.
5. Works that are implemented with the help of adults are rejected because it conflicts with the goal of the competition. not use external elements such as fabrics, beads or collage.
7. deadline for submitting the initial drawing from the participants
is 28-2-2018.
8. The jury will make an initial selection of the best sixty drawings from the submitted entries.
9. Darat will notify the candidates to come to the stodio to implement the artwork on drum.
10. It is permitted to use permanent ink pens, markers, colored paint pens and acrylic colors.
11. The implemented works will become the property of Darat Safeya Binzagr .
12. An exhibition of the winning and distinguished works will be held at the Stars Avenue Center.
13. The prizes will be distributed, the participants will be honored and the positions will be announced on Saturday 31-3-2018.